Fifteen Years of Experience
In 2005, I attained my first Development position as the Assistant of Major Gifts at the Society of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in NYC. Since that time, I have dedicated my time and talent to the nonprofit sector. As a consultant, I have worked with clients including Columbia Teachers College, The Trevor Project, Choate Rosemary Hall, and more. I have years of experience in the industry and can provide a formal resume upon request. Until then, take a look at my most recent professional milestones.
December 2019 - 2021
I was the first person in this role at Planned Parenthood Federation of America. It was exciting to lift a program off of the ground that has the potential to shift the culture within Planned Parenthood at such a critical time. Inclusive Philanthropy is not a one-size-fits all model, but PPFA's program is working towards comprehensive solutions that will change the future of philanthropy. In my role there, I created a framework for the national office and our affiliates called, the "ABC's of Inclusive Philanthropy" to showcase that critical steps must be taken before launching a donors of color fundraising program: Assessment & readiness, Buy-in from Board, leadership & staff, and Community engagement. Diving into these areas before D - donors is instrumental for culture change.
April 2018 - Dec. 2019
This exciting position was an opportunity to test my heart-led relationship management skills to metrics based Principal and Major Gifts fundraising practices. I believe in transformational, rather than transactional philanthropy. The amazing supporters of Planned Parenthood agree. The Principal and Major Gifts Department is equipped with resources and operational support for a strong program. I was able to achieve my year-end goals as well as deepen donor relationships, to bring them closer to the organization. Exceptionally growing individual philanthropy with my portfolio fostered thought leadership around engaging next generation donors and donors of color.
August 2015 - April 2018
The highlight of this position at Women Moving Millions, was interviewing Gloria Steinem on the stage at our annual conference. As the Director of Community Engagement, I was a "Jane of all trades" managing human resources, programs, events and fundraising at this small but mighty shop that supports an exceptional community of gender lens philanthropists. I learned the benefit of a shared power organizational structure with my Executive Director that has shaped my thinking on feminist leadership.